1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

March 12, 2023

Series: 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
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Learning on The Way

Do you need to confess and repent of past or present immorality? If so, your small group is a good place to discreetly do that. If you need to confess in private, speak with your small group leader or someone in your group you are comfortable with soon.

Where do you struggle to continue to walk in Christs righteousness and holiness? What circumstances cause you to struggle and stumble in those areas? What steps do you take to strengthen your walk in holiness?

If we took an assessment of the time you spent looking at, thinking about, reading, and/or watching lustful things, how would it compare to the amount of time you spend praying, studying Scripture, and serving/fellowshipping with your brothers and sisters in Christ? If your time is mostly spent with lustful things, what needs to be done for you to cease spending time on lustful things and more time on godly things?

If you are married. what are some steps you can take to cultivate an atmosphere of intimacy in your marriage so neither husband or wife are withholding intimacy? Are you taking those steps regularly? Where do you fail?

If you’re single, are you looking for the kind of spouse that is described in the Bible (like Proverbs 31)? If married, are you striving to be the kind of spouse described in the Bible (Proverbs 31, Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-7)? What kind of shift needs to take place in your life for you to seek for and strive to be a biblical spouse?