What Can I Expect? 

Maybe you are coming to church for the very first time or returning to church after along time away or maybe you’re an active church member who just moved to town and need to find a new church home. Whatever your story, it’s likely you will have some questions. We’re going to try and guess what you might want to know on your first visit. If we have missed something, let us know! 

Where are you located? 

We are located in Downtown Lake City at 537 N. Marion Avenue inside the Downtown Art Center. This area has a history and culture that is distinct from the rest of the city. The city center is home to Lake Desoto, Olustee Park and Darby Pavilion. The church serves all in the community through our prayer ministry, worship services, outreach ministries and family-focused activities. 

When do services begin?

We gather as a family to worship each Sunday morning.  Our services begin at 11 AM. But we encourage you to come early and enjoy some great coffee and fresh baked goodies. Services typically last an hour to an hour and a half. Our Youth gather each Sunday at 4 pm. 


Is there anything for my children? 

Yes, childcare is available for each worship service; we serve newborns to 5 years old. We also have Kids on The Way classes for children 6 to 11 years old that begin after the worship service. It is our hope to separate the family as little as possible and that children can learn to worship by watching their parents. Children are also welcome to sit with their parents during the sermon.


What Do I Wear? 

We don’t have a dress code at COTW. You will see people in everything from shorts and jeans to polos on Sundays. We believe that God cares more about what’s on the inside, so come dressed in whatever makes you comfortable.

What is worship like at The Way?

At Church on The Way, we worship Jesus. The music is meaningful, enjoyable, and refreshing. Our goal is worship, not entertainment, and we believe the music will touch you deeply.

Are there hypocrites in your church? 

Yes, if you’re looking for a church that doesn’t, you will never find one. We are a real church, with real people, with real problems, worshiping a forgiving God. We accept all people with all their problems and ask them to accept ours as well.

How do I connect with The Way?

We believe that the best way to connect with people is in a small group! The COTW offer’s many different groups that meet on various nights throughout our community. You can contact us here to help you get plugged in to a group.