Ruth 3

April 24, 2024

Series: Ruth

Ruth 3
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Learning On the Way

Tell about a time you “put feet on your prayers.” What caused you to take action?How does it inform the way you act in God’s providential purposes today?

How has hope changed your outlook on life and your response to God’s work in your life (and the lives of others)? How has hope caused you to act in faith in difficult circumstances? How should that inform the way we serve God and the way we serve others?

How does Boaz’ honorable reaction (Ruth 3:10-15) inform the way we serve the Lord? How does it inform making godly decisions? How does it inform the way we should do our part as the means God uses to bring about His purposes?

Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:14. What are some parallels to the way Paul instructs us to treat one another and the way Boaz, Naomi, and Ruth interact with each other? What does the story of Ruth tells us about how we should act towards one another, especially the weak and suffering?

When you’ve done all you can do, how do you fare at waiting patiently on the Lord? What are some things we can do to ensure we act when it’s time to act and wait when it’s time to wait?