Revival – Austin

January 22, 2024
Revival - Austin

Learning on the way

Do you see a parallel between what the religious leaders wanted at the time in the form of a messiah- political leader, dominate the culture, etc. and our current cultural climate in America? Why do you think we are tempted to look for another message to see revival in our time? How can we personally ensure we are instead focusing on the gospel (Romans 1:16)? What things do we need to forsake to get back to the basics of the gospel?

Do you see Jesus in all of scripture? Where do you find a disconnect with Jesus in scripture? How can preaching the gospel to yourself help you see things differently?

If you had to share the gospel message (the good news about Jesus) with someone in less than two minutes, what would you say? How regularly do you share the gospel message with unbelievers? Where can you improve in sharing the gospel more accurately?

When was the last time you were hungry for God’s Word? What usually draws your hunger, heart and attention away from scripture? What does being hungry for the Word look like for you?

We have to respond to the gospel in faith. Does your response to the gospel generate a fervor, eagerness or obedience? Do you pray for those things and your response to the gospel? How might this change your life? Does the gospel message excite you more than the things of the world?