Psalm 41

March 28, 2022

Book: Psalms

Psalm 41
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Learning On The Way

Do you think you do a good job of “considering the poor” including those with no money and the weak who cannot help themselves? What are some ways we can do better to meet the truest needs of the poor and weak, especially those in our local congregation?

Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend? How did you respond then? How do you respond now? Has your response become more or less like Jesus and what can you do to respond more like Jesus?

Ephesians 2:5-6 says we are raised up with Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places. How should this inform the way we face suffering and betrayal? How do you face suffering and betrayal? How could you do better?

Psalm 41 and Book One of the Psalms closes with an exclamation of praise in response to what has been said about God so far in the Psalms. Do you feel like your response to the goodness of God is exclamations of praise or do you find yourself taking his goodness for granted? What are some things you can do to make sure you recognize God’s goodness in your life and be sure you give him the praise he rightly deserves? What are some new things you have learned through this study of the first book of Psalms?