Philippians 4:4-7

July 29, 2024

Series: Philippians

Philippians 4:4-7
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Learning on the Way

In what areas of your life do you typically struggle with fear/ anxiety? How does this struggle affect you on a daily basis? What is your usual response to this struggle and is this response centered on your efforts or on Christ? How has someone’s negative response to your anxiety made your struggle harder?

Anxiety occurs when we try to control something we are not meant to control. What situations do you try to control that you are not meant to? How does feeling anxiety reflect God’s grace towards you?

How do you remind yourself that God is with you? What lies of your fear /anxiety has the Spirit helped expose to you? What ways can we use to help ourselves and others to have confidence in God’s care over the details of our future?

Most of us struggle with the fear of death in some form. Do you struggle with the pain and suffering of your own death, the death of a loved one, guilt over past sins, or the care of those you will leave behind? What does the Spirit help you to prioritize when you think of death? How is the Spirit helping you to face this fear each day?