Peace on Earth – 4

December 5, 2022

Series: Peace On Earth

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Learning On the Way

Where do you find yourself forgetting or taking for granted the fact that God has forgiven your sin and does not count them against you? Why do you think you tend take the Gospel for granted? What steps can you take to ensure the Gospel is still glorious in your life?

How has concealed sin affected your body? The body of Christ? What is the difference in your life when you are no longer trying to hide, clean up or justify your sin? How does it affect your ability to give grace and mercy to those who are struggling with sin?

Does your countenance and behavior show you to be a happy Christian? When you become, I’ll-tempered, irritable, argumentative, complaining, and so on, do you begin asking the Lord if there is unconfessed sin in your life or do you blame it on being in a bad mood? Why do you think your first response is not to be open and humble before the Lord?

Review the 7 A’s of confession:

  1. Address everyone involved (All those whom you affected)
  2. Avoid if, but, and maybe (Do not try to excuse your wrongs)
  3. Admit specifically (Both attitudes and actions)
  4. Acknowledge the hurt (Express sorrow for hurting someone)
  5. Accept the consequences (Such as making restitution)
  6. Alter your behavior (Change your attitudes and actions)
  7. Ask for forgiveness (See Matthew 7:3-51 John 1:8-9Proverbs 28:13.)

When you confess your sins, do you take into account the kinds of sins you committed as it relates to the kind of Confession you should make (secret, private, public) or do you simply generalize your confession? What can you do to be sure you make a full and appropriate confession in response to conviction?

How does our honesty in confession before God and others encourage confession in others and unity in the body? In what practical ways can we be “the voices shouting deliverance” that surround those who are struggling with sin?