Luke 8:22-25

September 1, 2019

Series: Gospel of Luke

Topic: luke, OCD, resurrection

Luke 8:22-25
Audio Download

Learning on The Way

Have you ever considered how the resurrection is the primary reason we know that we can trust God?

Of the ways to trust Jesus that were listed (follow him, remember his sovereignty, pray, and read his word), where do you struggle most? How can your small group help you?

What are some ways that Jesus has proven to be trustworthy in your life as you’ve followed him? Take time to share and rejoice in him as a group.

Do you feel like you’re in a season of “chasing your tail” right now? What kind of obsessive thoughts keep you chasing your tail? Will you confess to the group and ask for prayer and help?

Extra Credit: If you struggle with the reliability of the Bible and the resurrection Dan encourages you to [watch this video].