“Greed is a dangerous sin because it’s an enemy to grace. When our hearts are set on what we don’t have but what we want, it diminishes our joy in that which really matters. Greed is a subtle sin. When our hearts are set on something that we don’t have but we want, we begin to diminish our pleasure and joy in that which really counts and we become preoccupied, fixated, obsessed on that which is of less value and not eternally as important as what the Lord has given us in Christ.”
Have you ever found yourself saying that you can’t worship because of “X”? In other words, because you think something you need is missing (faster music, slower music, more instruments fewer instruments, etc.) it diminishes your joy in that which really matters in this case, the worship of God. Have you ever thought about that originating from the root sin of greed? What other deceptive ways besides money does greed show up in our lives?
Do you think the condition you are in right now is the best condition that you could be in? Explain why your current condition is the best condition for you to be in with the group.
How do you rejoice in the good fortune of others? Or how do you find yourself resenting it or envying the good fortune of others?
Are you generous? Are you generous with what you have? Does it show in how you give to the community? Does it show in how you give to the kingdom of God? Are you generous with what you have? Are there any possessions you have that has an inordinate, excessive hold on you (is there any possession you would not let someone borrow)?
Do you view your possessions, talents, and time as belonging to God or to you? If everyone in your group examined your schedule and your bank account how would they see that you believe it all belongs to God?