Jonah 4:6-11

October 6, 2024

Series: Jonah

Jonah 4:6-11
Audio Download

Learning on the Way

What does Jonah’s journey eastward symbolize in the context of the Bible?

Why do you think Jonah was so angry about God’s mercy towards Nineveh? How do you relate to Jonah’s struggle with extending mercy to others?

What are some practical ways we can grow in our concern for others? Why is it important to share the gospel with those who are different from us?

How can we identify areas in our lives where we are resisting God’s mission? How does discomfort play a role in being on mission for God?

What steps can we take to ensure our story ends differently than Jonah’s?

Life Application: This week, identify one person in your life who needs to experience God’s mercy. Reach out to them, offer support, and share the love of Christ with them, even if it makes you uncomfortable.