Jonah 2:1-4

September 2, 2024

Series: Jonah

Jonah 2:1-4
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Learning on the way

How do you react when you feel things in your life are out of control? How long do you wait before you cry out to God? What hinders you from crying out to God?

What are some ways the story of Jonah points to Christ? How does that inform the way you read Scripture and serve the Lord?

Why do you think God is willing to hear our prayers no matter how far down we go? On what basis does God hear and answer our prayers? How does that motivate you to worship, to prayer? How does that motivate you to service to God and others?

What things cause you to doubt or struggle with God’s sovereignty? How do you get back on track with trusting God? What Scriptures do you turn to in those times?