Ephesians 5:22-33

July 24, 2022

Series: Ephesians

Ephesians 5:22-33
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Learning On The Way

Piper says the submission is “the divine calling of a wife to honor and affirm her husband’s leadership and help carry it through according to her gifts.” Wives, how do you help carry through your husband’s leadership according to your gifts? Would you say you are more of a help or more of a hindrance to your husband’s leadership in the home? How can you do better?

Husbands, how are you doing with bathing your family in the word of God? What can you do, by the grace of God, to get better at this? Are there ways your small group or your local church can equip you to better lead your home in spiritual nourishment?

What are the unique ways wives can be used to help conform their husbands to Christ and vise-versa? Does your marital relationship move toward that goal? How can we do better to move toward that goal?

Do you make honest attempts to ensure your marriage displays the glory of the gospel? Where do you excel and where do you fail in this?