Corporate Worship – 1

September 5, 2022
Corporate Worship - 1
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Learning on The Way

Do you ever get excited about attending Lord’s Day worship? When you get excited is it primarily about what you anticipate the Lord doing for you or about how He May use you to minister to others?

Private worship is any act of worship done in private (prayer, Bible study, singing a song…) done primarily for personal spiritual edification. Often the reason people seek to worship privately during corporate worship is because they fail to worship privately throughout the week. Is that the case with you? If so, what are some routines that can be established so you are able to worship privately and thus be ready to worship corporately?

Do you use your spiritual giftedness more to build yourself up or for the building up of others in the church and the church as a whole? Can we help you identify your spiritual gifts? Can we help you grow in them for the edifying of the body of Christ?

When you are singing, are you attempting to speak the truth in love to those around you by singing loud enough for them to hear or are you too self-conscious about your singing ability to do so? If so, do you think that arises from the fear of man or from not realizing that this is one of the goals of corporate singing? What can we do to help each other address each other in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and we sing to the Lord?