Colossians 1:3-14

February 6, 2024

Series: Colossians

Colossians 1:3-14
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Learning on the Way

What do you think are some modern examples of rule following, spiritual experiences, and extreme self-denial that we are tempted to follow to merit righteous standing before God? Are you guilty of any of these? How so? Do these things bring peace and joy or burden and turmoil in your life?

Where in your life are you most tempted to trust in your own strength and efforts to merit righteousness or bring about spiritual maturity? How do you usually get back on track with trusting the sufficiency of Christ as your righteousness and sanctification (1 Cor. 1:30)?

Why do you think it is so difficult to simply trust in Christ’s merit on our behalf for our righteousness and sanctification instead of trusting our own strength and efforts? What do we believe about the Gospel that makes us think we need to, or can, merit righteousness? How do we war against those false beliefs?

Does joy and thanksgiving characterize your Christian life even in times that require patient endurance? What hinders you from living joyfully and with thanksgiving? What helps you live with joy and thanksgiving?

Read Col. 1:9-10. How does “knowing bring growing” in the Christian life? How can we guard against becoming prideful in knowledge and instead let knowing God more fully bring about a life of joy and thanksgiving?