Philippians 2:1-11

June 10, 2024

Series: Philippians

Philippians 2:1-11
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Learning on the Way

Have you ever thought about praying preventative prayers? What are some of the sins you pray preventative prayers for? What are some other steps (prayer is certainly a vital step) you can take to overcome these sins?

Paul brings together the emotional and logical aspect of people in an appeal for the unity of the Philippians by looking to Christ. How does looking to Christ minister to both the emotional and logical aspect of people (the whole person)? How does looking to Christ combat selfish ambition and conceit?

What does the cross say to us about pride and humility? What does the exaltation of Christ say to us about pride and humility?

How do you think the crucifixion of Jesus informs the way we see and serve others? How has serving others changed your perspective positively?

In what ways do you reveal that you think you deserve better than Jesus in your life? How do you need Jesus to transform your heart, mind, and practice in your life?