Learning on the Way
How have you suffered from being under an unfaithful minister of the gospel? How have you benefited from being under a faithful minister?
A faithful minister makes the proclamation of the message of the gospel the center of his strategy. Since, on some level, we are all called to be ministers of the gospel, how can you regularly proclaim the truth of the gospel in your life? Do you struggle with this aspect of your Christian life?
Have you ever thought about the goal of a minister being the presentation of a people complete in Christ? How does knowing this goal change the way you think about church and church activities?
Have you ever tried serving the Lord out of your own strength? How did that go for you and the people you were trying to serve? Have you ever been led by someone trying to work in their own strength? How was that experience for you? What ways have helped you learn to lean on the strength that God gives through the spirit rather than your own strength?
The sermon talked about the importance of getting spiritually vaccinated by regular doses of the preaching of Christ. There were 4 benefits of this spiritual vaccination: hearts that are strengthened, hearts that are unified in love, minds that are assured, and eyes focused on Christ. Has there been a time when you missed your regular doses and suffered? How have you personally benefited from these regular spiritual vaccinations?